
Our Safety Team’s best tool in keeping jobsites safe is by educating all personnel and providing them easy methods of getting the information they need. Often failures in safety occur due to not being armed with an understanding of proper procedure and tools. These Safe Workplace Standards have been created to assure safe and healthful working conditions. We strictly enforce all of these rules on our project sites and help our project partners to fully integrate them into their practices.

  • Denham-Blythe's safety culture is maintained through continuous training, monitoring, and motivation. Click the link below to learn more about our safety program.

Safety News

Denham-Blythe is recognized for outstanding safety in the workplace

Denham-Blythe was honored as a recipient of the Governor’s Safety and Health Award in Kentucky and Tennessee for achieving over one million man-hours without a lost time incident! Our mission every day is that each person associated with our projects returns home safe. This award and milestone celebrates our commitment to maintaining a proactive culture that is centered around safety as a core value.

Denham-Blythe reaches one million LTI-free man-hours

Denham-Blythe Company is proud to announce a new safety milestone of one million man-hours without a lost time injury as of November 15, 2018. This accomplishment is a result of Denham-Blythe employees’ continuous commitment to safety and the ongoing education, resources, and awareness that the Denham-Blythe safety team provides to every employee and subcontractor involved with a Denham-Blythe project...

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Safe + Sound Week: August 13-19, 2018


Denham-Blythe is participating in national Safe + Sound Week to raise awareness of the value of safety and health programs that include management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to finding and fixing hazards in the workplace.

Read more about Safe + Sound week on

Protect yourself from the heat of summer

In addition to heat exhaustion and dehydration, sunlight contains ultraviolet radiation that causes premature skin aging, cataracts, and skin cancer. Learn more about how to protect yourself from the heat of summer below:

OSHA's Campaign to Keep Workers Safe in the Heat

Fact Sheet: Working Outdoors in Warm Climates

Infosheet: Protecting Workers from Heat Illness

Download the Heat Index Calculator App for mobile

Silica dangers

Crystalline Silica is a common mineral that is used to make products such as glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and artificial stone. Breathing in silica particles can cause serious diseases. Click on the links below to learn about how to protect yourself from dangerous exposure to silica.

Silica Overview

Complying with the Construction Standard

Protection Requirements by Task

OSHA issues final rule setting compliance date for crane operator certification requirements

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule setting November 10, 2018, as the date for employers in the construction industries to comply with a requirement for crane operator certification. 

Read the full news release on

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