Zero Harm
Safety remains at the core to all that we do. We believe safety is a culture that is maintained through continuous training, monitoring, and motivation, ensuring that each individual associated with one of our projects returns home safe every day.
Every Project, Every Person
Whether we're working on the excavation for a press pit foundation, a multiple-story hospital expansion, or an interior office fit-up, safety is integrated throughout every phase of every project. Our team of full-time safety personnel regularly audit all of our work-sites to ensure the safety of our employees, sub-contractors, and clients who enter the job-site. Our dedicated safety team acts as a resource while providing direction, promoting awareness, and actively facilitating safe work practices. With extensive in-house safety training that starts with new hires and continues with competency training, our safety team ensures compliance along with an injury-free workplace.
Denham-Blythe Safety at-a-glance 2023
- 0.00 - Days Away, Restricted, Transferred
- 0.00 - Lost Time Rate
- 3,431,437 - Man-hours without a Lost Time Injury
- 36 - Months without a Lost Time injury
- 1 - YTD Total Recordable Injuries
- 0 - YTD Lost Time Claims
Zero Harm Philosophy
Our safety culture is ingrained through our Zero Harm Philosophy. Led by our Safety Director, the proactive approach teaches employees, sub-contractors, and clients to analyze how every action they take will affect themselves, others, and their environment so that they can take necessary steps to remove or mitigate any risks associated with their tasks.
Zero Harm is achieved with everyone's participation. Our company's continued success of safely building quality projects for over 45 years is derived from the clear efforts of our safety team's involvement with all project personnel. By teaching and rewarding Safe Work Practices, we are contributing to building trust and dependability at our projects and with our clients.
Zero Harm Key Components:
- Case Management
- Daily project kick-off meetings; Weekly project process meetings and toolbox talks
- In-house 30-hour and 10-hour OSHA training, LMS training
- Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for construction process activities; Site specific plans for non-routine tasks
- Bi-Annual Leadership Training
- Regular audits of job-site activity, JHAs, and all safety-related paperwork
- Incident-level tracking
Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST)
American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)
Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP)
Kentucky Society of Healthcare Engineers (KSHE)
2023 Associated General Contractors of America Award of Construction Excellence Award
2022 Associated General Contractors of America Award of Construction Excellence Award
2021 Associated General Contractors of America Award of Construction Excellence Award
2020 Associated General Contractors of America Award of Construction Excellence Award
2019 Kentucky Governor's Award of Excellence for Workplace Safety and Health for achieving over one million man-hours without a Lost Time Injury
2019 Tennessee Governor's Award of Excellence for Workplace Safety and Health for achieving over 700,000 man-hours without a Lost Time Injury
Do you have questions for our safety team?
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